Tag Archives: Omega 3

Omega Huh??

7 Feb

Omega 3, Omega 6, EFA, Omega ratio…Do any of these make sense to you? If not, you are not alone! Omega fats have gotten a lot of attention in both the media and grocery store products. You cannot take a trip to the grocery store these days without seeing some product labeled, “Now with Omega 3’s,” or “Rich in Omegas.” Like many product labels, we assume that if they go to the trouble of pointing it out, that must be a good thing, even if we have no idea what they actually are. When I am confused about my food and food labels, I put my nose down and start researching and I’ve come up with the following information which I hope will help you understand Omega oils.

Omega Oils: Omega oils are classified as EFA’s (Essential Fatty Acids), basically they are essential to optimal health, however our bodies cannot make them, therefore we need to eat them (through food).

Types of Omega Oils: Omega 3, Omega 5, Omega 6, Omega 7, and Omega 9. The lower the number the more delicate the Omega oil, which means some are excellent for cooking, while others are heat sensitive and can actually become toxic to your body. Most of the following information will focus on Omega 3 and 6, but I’ll briefly explain the rest. Omega 5: found in Pomegranate oil, research is proving it’s benefits, but it is still relatively new. Omega 7: Only found in sea buckthorn oil, good for skincare, but hard to find. Omega 9: Body can produce Omega 9’s. Most common source is olive oil and has many benefits (reduce risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke and increase good cholesterol), Olive oil is best used for salad dressing and if heated only low temperatures as it can become unstable at high temperatures and do more harm than good.

Omega 3: Generally found in the fat of cold water fish, particularly the oily fish (salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, black cod, and bluefish). Omega 3 oils are harder to find, but very important. Two of the most important Omega 3 oils are: EPA and DHA…If you’ve had kids in the last 5 yrs, practically ALL commercial baby food and formula is labeled “contains DHA.” EPA: eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA: docosahexaenoic are the building blocks for hormones that control immune function, blood clotting, and cell growth as well as components of cell membranes. –drweil.com

Omega 6: Omega 6 oils are generally abundant in the Western diet and found in most processed foods (snacks, cookies, crackers, sweets and of course fast food). There is no shortage of sources for Omega 6 oils, but the issue is whether we are consuming them in appropriate forms. Like Omega 3 oils, Omega 6 oils are building blocks for hormones, however they are often referred to as “pro-inflammatory,” which sounds bad, but can actually be useful for the body, particularly the immune system. The current problem with Omega 6 oils is that they are everywhere and in everything, causing the natural balance to be way off. Most processed food contains Omega 6 in the form of vegetable oils (which despite having the name “vegetable” in it are actually not good for you). However, because these oils are in fact Omega 6 sources, products are labeled with “Omega 6,” they should be labeled with an asterisk saying… “only healthy when consumed in a proper ratio to Omega 3.”

*Important note: When studying foods eaten by our ancestors it’s pretty safe to say that humans used to consume an equal ratio of these oils (Yay!)…today we consume far more Omega 6 oils than Omega 3 oils (Boo!). An equal ratio is ideal, but that does not mean run out and consume more Omega 3’s to balance all the Omega 6’s we eat in processed foods.

So, what is the “Essential” information when it comes to Omega oils?? The main focus is puton Omega 3 and 6 and both are extremely important for the body. Below are the key things to remember with Omega 3 and 6.

Check label of supplement for quality and purity

1. BALANCED RATIO for your body to function properly-to high of one or the other produces adverse effects. (Find foods you enjoy that have naturally occurring Omega 3 and eat more of them).

2. REDUCE processed foods (which contain an unhealthy amount of Omega 6), INCREASE REAL food including Omega 3 sources (Salmon and good quality fish oil from cold water fish—NOT with added soybean oil).

3. OMEGA 3 SOURCES: Salmon, Sardines, Cod liver oil, walnuts, flaxseeds, egg yolks from pastured chickens and grass-fed beef and lamb.

4. OMEGA 6 SOURCES: There are no shortages in our diets, so unless you have a stellar diet, you really do not need to eat more of these to balance out the ratio.

5. DO NOT BE FOOLED by gimmicky product labeling claiming they are a good source of Omega 3 or 6. Chances are the Omega oils were added in and they are from an inferior source. Instead, get your Omegas naturally through foods that have them naturally occurring!

Get your omega oils naturally...through food